... Is it already over???
...says the little Tufted Titmouse about the Great Backyard Bird Count. Yes, little tuffy, it is indeed almost over. It was a good day at the feeders, although it started slow. I even had 9 vultures! Well, they were actually in my neighbor's yard, but I can count them. Seven turkey vultures and two black vultures, trying to look like turkeys. They were sitting on the lawn sunning themselves, big old wings spread wide. Daft birds.
I took a quick sortie out to the county fair grounds where I saw several hawks, hundreds of crows (on the corn fields), a handful of geese, and four Eastern bluebirds. At my feeders, it was the usual group of suspects ...mocker, blue jays, cardinals, finches, chicadees, titmice, nuthatches and a robin.
The weather this upcoming week is supposed to be unusually warm again, and I have a very light week work-wise, so I will probably head out to some of the nearby refuges.
Hoping all my US friends had a good President's Day, and the rest of the world a Good Monday!
I put my GBBC photos in a Flickr album, so click here if you want to have a peek
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