
By tookie

Family Time in Portland!

Here we all are reunited at the Portland home of our daughter in law's parents---her mom being For Comments Only on blip here We , Big R and I, drove down Sat. am and our son and his wife came over from Spokane Friday night. So we were all together for most of the weekend and we left today heading back for Seattle. We all had a great time...lots of good food---mostly vegan as that's what the kids are eating now, and time spend exploring Sauvie Island and hanging out in and around their home.

Drive down and back was spent fighting driving rains pelting the car from all angles and especially bad traffic tonight on the I-5 corridor! The hooligans had a nice stay at their "camp" and are sounding snoozing away now:) All is well and a good time had by all. Back to posting and commenting tomorrow.

Backblip Saturday


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