
By Shin


I always make my own diary filling for my Succes agenda, which now that I think of it, i've had for almost 15 years. It's the Dutch equivalent of the filofax. The reason for making it myself is that I like having the week start on Saturday, because by the end of the week, I'm happy to turn over the page and start with the fun things in the weekend.

Normally I have it rather plain, like the regular fillings for these type of diaries you can buy, but this year I was inspired by this day planner, which I just found out by searching for the link is Korean (always good). And just having been in France (see backblips) for our vacation, where I saw notebooks with French ruling. It took me ages to find a link for this type of paper. I had to dig into my non existent french, which somehow remembered notebook is cahier. Anyway, I like how different countries have different styles of paper for learning to write or do mathmatics. So combining these two inspirations led to this design for my new diary for the upcoming school year. The days of the week are printed, but the months, weeknumber and dates are either stamped or handwritten

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