Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

daddy did good,
He has finally caught the camera bug,
*took him long enough of mummy's nagging!*
he really got me captured today,
*or should I say have I have him hooked*
we were running round the park,
*well me running, him walking fast!!*
and he was snapping away,
*come on daddy, use a camera properly*
How could mummy have only 1,
My smile a mile wide,
My legs running like the clappers,
The wind blowing my mad hair everywhere,
My giggles fill the air,
as I ask for SWING/SLIDE back to swings,
Love this freedom, don't care,
if my cheeks are rosy red from cold,
I loved the time down in the park,
can't wait to drag daddy there again

More here x

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