Strike a pose
We have electricity. Obviously, or blipping might have been hard. The ERDF contractors were due in "the morning" which I figured could start any time from 8am. So, I was up early, with the knowledge that they might not show until 11am and all my missed sleep would be in vain... but rather delightfully they showed up at a very polite 8.10am when I was not only dressed and presentable, but also had half a cup of tea inside me. And in even better news, our electrician gracefully overlooked the disputed bill, and sent someone along to connect us up once the main line was in. Then there was some snagging which was quickly rattled through and I was left alone in a world of appliance choice. No longer do I have to choose between dishwasher and washing machine, no longer do I have to pause before I turn the kettle on while I quickly calculate what else is on in the house before I fuse everything. Now our only limit is a curious 3.4kW per circuit of plugs which, in practical terms, means no more than three radiators per two bedrooms. Complicated business this French electricity. No wonder they're so good at maths.
Today had to be a bird table shot though. A beautiful sunny day brought out lots of new birds. This nuthatch has been before, but was a very frequent visitor today, and I just liked his pose. Also arriving today was a female blackcap, a possible wren, and a skinny buff coloured bird which I can't find in the birdbook, so is probably a sparrow I didn't see properly.
Also out and about again today in the Jeep which, despite not having a front end after Mr B's little incident, is performing rather well. It feels H.U.G.E. to drive, but seems to fit in a parking space rather more easily than the Audi. And everyone stares. Probably because of the missing front end. It's quite high up and very bouncy, so driving it feels a little like being in a tall building on a windy day. A not entirely comfortable feeling.
Still, the shopping expedition brought, along with several essentials, a wire mesh fat ball stacking hanging device, so now our garden has the happiest tits in the whole of France.
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