not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Not you again

Done a bit this morning not much has have been a bit tired to day might have done to much the past few days it soon catches up with me these days. Mr polly got cleaned out this morning i do not what he was doing while i cleaned him out he was trying to walk on the outside of his tubes rather than in them.

Me and molly spent a hour or so waiting for Keith to do his windows what a life we lead me and my dog then we went for a drink in the cafe on the sea front. I was going to try for a seagull but no so maybe tomorrow i will go hunting.

I am giving up facebook for lent i dont know how long it will last forty days i hope But i am not giving up blip that is for sure.

This molly on her level i did try and get her and me but she was having none of it so sorry you have got another one of molly but with not driving i do not get much to choose from sea front or park .

Bye for now enjoy you evening Suzy and molly xxx

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