Today I could have blipped two old dogs ....
.... messing around... or I could have blipped a batty lovely blipper and her equally lovely friend*... but in the end I thought it best to blip me and the Mr... We've been together for 26 years today - although I've spent the week thinking it was our silver anniversary... there's me thinking I'm good at maths...huh!
So tonight I served up a celebratory cheesy 80's menu of button mushrooms in a white wine sauce with a crispy garlic crust, chicken curry savoury pancakes with a crunchy side salad with Thousand Island dressing, to finish we had a boozy ice cream and a floater coffee. This is one of the menus we used to enjoy in one of our favourite restaurant when we were first 'courting' (such an old fashioned word)
*Went to Broadway today to meet up with my eldest daughter... it's very close to Mrs W stomping ground... so she popped over for a coffee and a sit down as is her way....It was lovely to see her and Moonchops again. She spent most of the time chin wagging doggie tales with Claire; they are planning a massive doggie walk together.... Ozzy is banned as he's far too grumpy!
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