Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare


It has been very wet today!'s been a few days...sorry about that...I have been SO otherwise occupied for the last 8 days! A quick catch up for you...a girly night last Wednesday consisted of a film and very tempting nibbles which I managed to ignore, until a sudden irresistible urge resulted in banoffee pie (and oh ok then....a small spoonful of trifle)! I DID feel naughty!

The following day, physical exertion was the excuse for a rather nice chocolate cake and ice cream, then on Sunday I visited my parents, (a minimum of three desserts is compulsory), then yesterday, a really interesting meeting meant that a VERY good lunch was needed afterwards.

So a week of over indulging for sure, but life is for living and enjoying, so I'm doing just that. I am a bad girl, I know!

I was behind on comments even before this latest 'week off', and I have so much going on over the next month, (lots to look forward to and many more indulgences to come), so I don't think I will have much of a chance to even begin to catch up. Instead...I will try merely to get back into actually blipping a little, but I have disabled the comments as I feel it is unfair to expect anyone to comment on mine while I am not in a position to reciprocate.

If you got this far reading my bollocks blurb - thank you very much for stopping by. :)


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