AJ's Snaptorium

By AJTaylor

A Chorus Line...

...Guinea Pig Style!
Hit the Magnify to Bigify button for the Full Fabulous Furry effect!
Spotted these adorable cuties at a roadside diner we stopped at between Rio & Macae (pronouced Mac-Aye-A). I thought the chicken fillet was a bit on the small size....

...Only Kidding, the owner had a bit of a Menagerie outside with various Turkeys, Guinea Fowl, the Piggies and 4 Geese named Charles, Camilla, William... and Obama. I know, that does look awfully like the ingredients on the menu.

We arrived at Macae in the Afternoon to find the locals putting the finishing touches to the Stage for their Carnival Finale right outside our hotel, and I mean right outside.. about 25 yards from the door! so later on when the 20+ piece Samba let rip there was no sleep for anyone in the hotel until midnight when the show finished. OK so it did not have the floats and parde of Rio but at least we can say we partied at the Carnival in Brazil .

As for the Hotel, it was pretty good, 15 floors with a Pool on the roof and I had a balcony room on the 8th floor overlooking the beach and the Carnival Stage.
So, I could have Blipped Brazilian Bathing Belles, (probably not a good idea on a family site such as Blip) or various mad brazilian Party People(Not such a great idea for the same reason as before I reckon) But at the end of the day, the Piggies prevailed.

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