
By Appreciation

This is not your average Valentine's Day image. Granted it looks like red roses and love all tied up in a beautiful bouquet, but my man will be surprised to see this.

As he left to fly off to some far flung place he dropped a card and packet of chocolate Easter Eggs(!?!) near me. It's as good as he gets. I wasn't sure if he was confused by the occassion or not coming home for a very long time and covering all bases.

My girl had her very first ever driving lesson today. On booking the lesson with the instructor he commented on the date and I suggested that he would be arriving at all his female trainees doors with the obligatory red rose as a very clever little marketing strategy. We then mused over the decency of a middle aged man giving almost strange young girls a red rose on valentines day and decided it was perhaps a bad idea.

I had given my girl and my boy a little net of valentines chocs. Ones which I always buy and ones which we assume are safe. Ha. Two minutes before the driving instructor arrived my girl swallowed three and WHAM there was the reaction! Oh heck these moments are tense. I think she had some of her own adrenaline rushing around with the excitement and nerves of the lesson. I asked the man to wait another 10 minutes to make sure and as she sat in the house he and I went over his options should it all go awry. He was ever so good and happy to go along with it. To be fair I and she know within that time what the eventual outcome will be.

As she strolled out to get in the car he appeared with a dozen roses for me! I was mortally embarrassed, but highly amused. I like a man with a sense of humour.

Later, in the evening my boy had his pal over and the girls were having a singles dinner in the kitchen. I took the boys out to the local Indian restaurant and was handed my 13th red rose of the day.

Not bad when your husband is away!

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