Boys & Girls I give you the real Chris Evans

Not the ginger imposter you may hear on the radio but the real thing.

H and I have been friends with Chris for many a years, sadly we only ever seem to meet up for the odd mid week beer these days but in the past we shared houses (the madness that was number 3 Newmarket road, another of my blip victims JamesC also lived there along with a few others. A very strange summer, we made the 'Young ones' look like tea total Samaritans... ;)) Been on holidays, drunk sherry in rough pubs, fallen over, stood up, danced around and generally arsed about a lot together. In a sensible moment he was also an Usher at our wedding...

Anyway he is a top chap and it is always great to see him, even if these days we spend most of our time talking about sensible stuff...

Hopefully a weekend session before long..

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