Happy Tim day.

Today is Tim's birthday - he would have been 55 had not that bastard cruel brain tumour taken the life of an active fit hardworking man.
It has not been an easy day - I have been busy with dog training and worse still lecturing at college this evening on canine acupressure and yin and yang and life Chi...........

but when I got home - Justin , Courtney and I raised a toast to Tim ( Courtney's was ginger beer). We had birthday cake and lots of chocolate - thanks to Granny and Grand dad ( Diana and Hugh).

Earlier this afternoon Justin and I put on our wellies and went to the cemetery to lay flowers - it was full of ducks - Tim would have liked that.
I decided that from now on Tim day would celebrated with gifts so I brought the boys presents from their dad.......he would have liked that too.
I am now going to get a little tipsy drinking my cava ................ don't know if he would have liked that...........

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