Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Water of Leith Visitor Centre

Now that I have my degree I've started to think about getting back in to work. I've only ever worked part time whilst I was at school and then due to studying and ill health I haven't worked whilst I've been in Edinburgh so I'm rather daunted by the prospect. I volunteered to take some shifts in reception at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre but the only steadily available shift they had were Sunday's which will be fill for me until May. As such, I went along for an induction anyhow so that I can work as backup staff and cover shifts were needed.

It all seemed pretty straight forward and I have my first shift on Tuesday morning, no doubt though as soon as the first big group comes in wanting coffees and gifts and access to the exhibition it won't seem so straight forward.

I took my camera but it was so windy I didn't get off the bike to take any photos.

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