Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Rufus Stone

King William the Second
He had a red head
One day to the forest
His huntsmen he led
A fellow named Tyrrel
An arrw let loose
And Williams fell dead as a Michaelmass goose
And nobody knows
If that fellow named Tyrrel
Shot William dead
For a King or a Squirrel

And apprently this was the spot. Allegedly!

Seemed to have been a huge degree of unrest at the time amongst the gentry about the forest laws banning the hunting of venison and boar - and even banning people from interfering with the Kings trees. There is documentary evidence of one of my ancesters a few years later being summoned before the King to explain himself for poaching deer, but fortunately he was pardoned. What a difference a new King makes! No wonder the last one was unpopular.

Note to all you pedants out there - I think he probably cooked it over a fire ... rather than poaching it

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