Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy


When I signed up for Blipfoto a couple years ago, I had made the decision to try to keep my photos as a journal for my boys and pics of them and their life were going to be my focus (as well as hopefully learning more about photography). This Blipfoto breaks my own rule but I just had to share. I take pics of the boys soccer teams and tournaments and have a share site for each team's parents and this was my favorite of the day, so I decided to forego a soccer pic of Loren (sorry buddy). It appears the goalie is punching our player, Joe, in the face when trying to recover the ball. *Cringe* Obviously not done on purpose, but between that and their player being squished between our players I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe when I uploaded this pic.

It was a hard day for our boys. They played against two teams that were a level above us and we left the day with two losses. Our town was the one hosting this tournament (JJ Minor Memorial Tournament) so no travel was involved this time around. Loren was pretty bummed but we ended the night taking him for a haircut and then relaxing with a movie. Hopefully we'll have a better soccer day tomorrow on Day 2 of the tournament.

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