All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

2 Little Tikes

Eeek - 5.20am start from Ethan today. Not good!

However, he was on great form. Really well behaved and for most of the day and such good fun. Apart from the silly o'clock start it has been a lovely day with him.

Swimming class in the morning, after which he slept for an hour 40 minutes. I even managed to get a sit down, watch something I Sky +'d a year ago, and did some ironing!

Then soft play with my friend Lesley and her wee boy Logan.

Granny, Grandpa, Foreveryoung and Eden had arrived while we were out and Ethan was VERY pleased to see them all. They're all staying the night with us tonight and tomorrow is Granny & Grandpa's first day of babysitting both kids together. Hope Ethan & Eden behave for them!

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