blink and miss

By boxgirl

a picture of peace...

Well I managed to catch up on some sleep last night :-)

Probably not enough, but tonight I'll try again to put the laptop off earlier than usual and have a proper rest!
I have no self disipline so I'll probably still be blipping away at midnight whilst yawning my head off!

Work is still extremely busy, I'm not sure why, it's just like that sometimes, then all of a sudden the work just stops and we spend the days cleaning machinery... you never really know what kind of day it's going to be.
Normally a Thursday is a little quieter because a lot of the optitions we supply have a half day on a Wednesday, but not today.... we got hammered with work again....

Sammy and I went to our favourite haunt today... it looks like it was lovely and calm in this picture but it was actually blowing a gale!
The sky was very dark and heavy but we managed a good hour or so walking without getting soaked..
It's very busy there just now, can't get moving for bird watchers... I can see why though, it's a hive of bird activity just now... maybe next year, when I know what I'm doing and have a better camera I'll be the one dragging a tripod around.

I can't really see Sammy putting up with that though!....

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