People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Sometimes Vegan

A vast majority of our meals are vegetarian. Ever so often, I manage to produce a satisfying, nutritious and tasty vegan meal, mostly by accident. Here are some pea pods, fresh shiitakes and some crazy variation on tofu from our local Asian store.

I don't really know why we stopped eating meat. We just did, and for the most part it is working out all right. I eat multi vitamins to get enough iron and B vitamins. Not sure how much of it actually gets into me, but I figured it's worth a try. I buy hot dogs for Little Man whenever he asks :-)

Food got complicated. Buying groceries and eating is a political statement, and the whole scene is exhausting. I constantly hear about giant corporations buying out the little guys, and altering the ingredients in constant pursuit of profit over quality. Organics not being organic at all, etc. At the same time, I have no interest in becoming a farmer. So, I try to do my best - buy local, buy raw ingredients vs. processed goods, etc. I hope I make at least a tiny bit of a difference.

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