Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Introducing little miss Sofi, who I found sitting with Sepudin, at the petrol station(29th January). This very cute eleven year old was not shy to meet me, but got a bit giggly and shy in front of the camera, so I just fired off a few shots.

I chose this image because it shows off one of my favorite features, that cute little nose. Ironically, pretty much all Indonesian women, including Tesa, hate it with a passion and if they had the money, would have surgery to fix it. I have seen girls who have had the op' and it is my opinion that they wasted their money. Of course I don't tell them this, what good would that do!

The Bandung story - part 13

After the Green Canyon trip, I really wanted a lie down for an hour but was not allowed and we mounted the motorbikes and headed off to find a fish restaurant for dinner. Don't expect to find fancy waiters and tablecloths in Pangers. It is open air, garden furniture and waiters wearing T-shirts and jeans. They did sell cold beer though, so that was the first order.

We were invited back into the kitchen to select our meal from an array of freshly caught fish. No cod or haddock here, but some wicked looking sea animals were on display. Even live lobsters were on the menu and shark too! The meal was awesome and of quality, absolutely no fears that this was going to be a problem the next day and it wasn't.

We mounted our trusty steeds and headed off to find a bar. Not the best idea, but no one was listening to me any more. The bar had a pool table so my interest picked up immediately and I was dispatched to beat the locals off the table so that we could all have a few games. A splendid evening was had, not too over the top, but I was ready for bed, but it was not to be.

"Let's go for a midnight ride along the beach" suggested Geoff. Before I could argue the stupidity of the idea, everyone was enthusiastically heading for the door, so off we went. It was actually a wonderful experience, the moon and stars were out and not a street light to be seen, it was nature at its best. As we skirted the dying breakers, hundreds of crabs were scampering to escape the beams of light that we were generating. T-shirt removed so that I could enjoy the cool breeze on my singed skin, this was wonderful.

Of course the story wouldn't be any good if nothing went wrong and naturally Geoff provided us with the unforgettable memory that would haunt me for a life time, by trying to ride his bike across a small curve in the waters edge, which turned out to be about two feed deep in the middle!

Now, about five miles from the hotel and Geoff's bike totally dead, no roads and no cell phones back then, we were screwed!

To be continued.

So sorry that I forgot to post the Green Canyon pics in folio, better late than never.


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