A Dawgs Breakfast

By DawgGal

A 2nd Chance (XXIIc)

Time flies ... it's been 4 weeks that Baby (also affectionately known as Noomnooms) has been with us. She'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and will go back to the shelter after breakfast.
This is the last time she'll take her early evening nap at the back door step where there's a gentle breeze.
She's turned out a lovely lil' pup, a complete nutcase at times, but quite clever. She sits politely for her breakkie or dinner to be served. We're a bit concerned about her hearing though, it seems to be a bit thin, might need to get checked by the vets.
Since last week she's been busy with all sorts of fun stuff such as helping in the kitchen!
She's come a long way since she first arrived 4 weeks ago!

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