Home School !!
Afternoon all
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school - Albert Einstein
Home school today. Handsome Boy had a very sore throat this morning, so much so his voice sounded quite husky!! Told him his Valentine (who still hasn't been revealed!) would love his husky voice ....."SHUT UP!!" was the response.....!!!!
He was worried about missing work so we organised our own curriculum......he had writing, maths, project work, reading.......I had chores, coffee, call of duty, nap !!! Hey ....C'mon...I'm nightshift eh !!! ;0)
Better day weatherwise today....hoping the warm temps continue tonight...!! ;0)
My fave......
I've never let my school interfere with my education - Mark Twain
Have a great day ;0)
ps. anyone's journal I missed yesterday I will catch up tonight.......what else is work for !!!!! ;0)
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