
By pennipics

The Flutist

I went to Prescot to make an eye test appointment, am starting at the top, next will be teeth then mammogram the later two should have been done last year sometime.

Having made my appointment; at which time the receptionist told me I wasn't due till June! actually I knew this but am having slight trouble with right eye, I thought Oh get it done girl. ( didn't they want my money I wonder)

I went over the to the Halifax BS while checking my money from the 'hole in the wall' inside the bank i could hear this fellow playing away.
Not being a lover of the solitary flute I wondered how on earth the staff were putting up with him.
He was positioned outside; not so bad when the door was closed but every time it opened the music came flooding in.

The Light dawned !! my blip for today, so he was forgiven and a small donation, at least he is doing something for his money.
Have a great week-end.

Cheers Penny

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