not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

got one

A nice day to day weather wise. Funny old morning for me this what went on this morning.

1, Got up to go for my b12 jab at the doctors which i thought was at 9.10 tried to book in but could not as we book our self in so went to recepiton and asked about it they looked it up and it was 10.1o. i was an hour early.

2,Went to get my pills from boots while i was waiting to go back to doctors and they said i had some pills that i had not collected from the begin of the month.

After all that went to get my jab done. I think it is my age that is what i say and i am sticking to it.

Came home tidy the bed room out it was not to bad so did not take long. After dinner me and molly went to the park and there was 1000's of gulls there so i took this little one i think it is a gull not quite sure i am not up on my birds

Quick tea tonight pre done bake tates will cheese i know it is cheating as i mostly put them in to oven for a couple of hours, but i am out Keith is out and molly is home a lone I am at my book club next door and Keith is gym
so it will be in the microwave for the tates and that will be that.

Bye for now Love Suzy xxx Enjoy your week end

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