All that is beautiful

By sharob


I won't lie, I am hopeless with flowers - unless they're fushias, lilies, daisys or roses! I have these pretty little flowers dotted around the garden, I took a few pictures but preferred the woodland look .. although, it does remind me that we desperately need to get out into the garden to fix it up before summer comes and the children begin to spend most of their days outdoors ..

Hasn't the weather been lovely the last few days? I've collected Clara from school and the girls have played in the garden for around 45 .. I'm mentally writing up a summer garden toy shopping list .. I'm sure that the majority of it will be veto'd by Mr G. Might have to use my magical powers of persuasion! ;)

Camera Mode A - WB sunshine
Things I did - ISO-3200 (!!!) f/10, exposure bias -0.3, 52mm, meter mode pattern, no flash
Things camera did 1/2500, focus

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