
this idea from a blip I saw yesterday so I can't take the credit for the creative idea today. It's still a pretty picture though. I love this ruined church - I have taken some great photo's there and at this time of year, the ground is covered with an almost carpet of snowdrops. It really looks so lovely. I didn't think that the graveyard part of it was still used but I noticed a headstone that had last years date on so it obviously is. There is a little annex attached to the part of the church that is in ruins which is intact, but I'm unsure whether this is used for any services or not.

Grand day today, the year 6 kids I help out with were all fab and I spent the afternoon getting muddy knees and picking burs from my hoodie to get you this picture :) My nephew is spending the weekend with us which we'll all enjoy. He's 16 at the end of the year, so we don't get to see much of him these days. I'm just glad that he still likes to come over & spend time with us :)

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