the bits of life are wide and varied

8:30am, at work, at the desk. Working. Well, sort of. Had to pause and take a picture.

I was thinking that I should really find out more about the 1962 VW bus, a model of which is encased in packaging on my desk. I wonder what made the 1962 model different. I'd love to have a *proper* size VW bus. But that's no surprise, is it.

A fairly good day in the office today. Despite no exercise other than a relaxed walk to the train station, then from the other station to the office, I was pretty alert and ready when I got to work.

However, as I type this, I realise that I *forgot* to send someone a PDF of a document I'd been designing for them. Whoops.

Nothing I can do now as it's on the Mac desktop, so can't remote login.

Anyway, got a bus up to meet Mrs theWeir for some adventures in Costco before we collected the weeWeir and headed home for a quiet evening.

My head is in a much happier place than five days ago. Which is a good thing.

"a friend loves at all times"

Even when you are being a bit of a muppet.

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