The Aftermath
Shortly after midnight I heard the most horrendous screaming coming from outside the house.
When I looked out I saw 3 people beating the life out of somebody but I couldn't see if it was the girl that was doing the screaming.
I ran out and saw that 3 men (not youths - they were in their 30s) beating a body on the ground. I just grabbed the first one I came to and pulled him off. The guy swung round and gave me a dunt with the baton from todays blip.
THIS was the result ........ no fractures but a bit of a headache.
The 3 guys then jumped into their car and took off.
Okay - I got a crack but I firmly believe that if I hadn't intervened they would have killed the young lad so I have no regrets and would do it again.
I have no idea what the background was (well - I have some idea but no proof yet) but what a bunch of big brave men ......... 3 of them with bats (I got 2 of them) going after a 19 year old.
A 'man' would fight one to one without having to use anything ............. a coward gets his mates and lumps of wood to help him
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