Jack James

By JackJames

Edinburgh airport

Pancakes last night had left me pretty tired, so I failed to get up in time to either have breakfast with Sean or walk with him into town. Instead, I got up at 10 and had a lazy bowl of cereal, coffee, and had a semi-productive morning around the house doing things I'd been putting off (washing).

Went into town at lunchtime with Chris and Marek, and met up with Sean for coffee on his lunch break. We met him at White Stuff - the shop was dead, everyone you saw in there was staff, and Sean was looking into the middle distance leaning on the mezzanine banisters. We headed to 'spoons for a drink as it was close.

Dragged Chris to primark to exchange pretty much all the stuff I got from it last weekend - they didn't stock half the things I wanted to change for a size up, so I elected to keep them, and hope that they stretch. Then back to the lads's flat for a bit.

Packed a small bad a headed to the airport at 7; ended up having to wait about in departures for about 40 minutes. I want to end up with enough confidence at flying that I can rock up with a few minutes to go and sail through onto the plane, but as it is I stress out like my parents and play it safe.

Landing in Bristol was amazing - there was a thick fog, so you couldn't tell what height we were or how far away the airport was. Suddenly, the whole of the plane grew to a fiery red as we passed over the landing lights, sweeping blues and oranges streaked past as we taxied to the gate. Would have made a much better photo if my phone had managed to keep enough battery.

Dad picked me up, was back at home by 12.

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