With One Eye Wide Open


Into The Belly of a Monster

I knew sooner or later i'd be blipping about work. I went in today (haven't had to work on a Saturday for a while now and it felt weird!) to supervise maintenance work on our storage tanks. I took so many photos during the inspection of the tank internals and bits and pieces that by the time I finished, I had enough of clicking the shutter. So the cam stayed in the bag for the rest of the day and evening until the time came to blip.

The image is the inside of one of our tanks that I had to go into for inspection. It's not as bad as I made it look but the walls were indeed slightly stained as expected from years of use. Those two square-like things on both sides of the image are sacrificial anodes which (supposedly) helps protect the tank from corrosion. Yes, i'm an Engineer and this is what I sometimes do, that is go into the belly of monsters! Claustrophobia is definitely a no no here and so is fear of heights. I have to say the latter is something i'm inclined to but doing my best to control when needed. :(

Apologies for the not so appealing image, unfortunately the mood today called for it.

Happy weekend everyone!

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