The Ferg

By fergie


Started the day with a quick and very windy stroll up Brown Muir, the hill that sits above Elgin and is being sought as a site for windmills. Not that many people know how to get up top despite its prominence in the town. The views across the Firth are amazing , its views south to the Cairngorms and the Moray Hills are worth the effort. When I got home my family were awake and seeking a walk on the beach, so we headed out to Roseisle beach to find it was very high tide and therefore beach walking would be difficult .So we stuck to the forest found a bird hide which I will use for future blips I hope Started to rain but was enjoyable especially with the whole family together. We are off for a meal tonight to celebrate good University and School results and the fact that we are all together for once. The blip was taken on Roseisle beach and is of redundant tank traps from WWII , the fear was that Germany might invade on the long sandy beaches of the north east .they then served to assist training for D -day I believe. Looking over to Findhorn and beyond to the Suitors of Nigg and Easter Ross where we used to live and work.

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