He Smiles Politely Back at You

Our dedication to our children took to new levels today. Tooli was supposed to be first Ref for the Boy's game. I was to be scorer (lol).

Tooli was a bit worried about it, because Boys, are (a) bigger, and (b) play faster and (c) argue back if they think you make a wrong shout.

Dad agreed to come down and sit on the bench behind her, so that if anyone made any comment to her, all he had to do was stand up, and frown.

It didn't turn out like that tho... Steve thankfully turned up to Ref 1, and Tooli took over the score sheet from me, because to be quite honest, I had completely forgotten how to do it, and made a mess right from completing names and numbers and registrations. - Very precise business this score keeping lark.

Me and Katie took flags, and Nat was 2nd Ref. And Poor Ali, who had been on night shift, settled down on the sports back for a nap.

I Have discovered my place in volleyball. I can point that flag like a demon. Of course the Troon Boys were quite distressed at some of my calls, but I was taking no non-sensense from any of them. I know when a shot is out, when a touch is made. I even called a foot fault.

Like Katie said, it's a feeling of great power!

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