Don't Try

By Tecumseh

C'est la vie. Mais la vie est ennuyeux.

Translation: That's life. But life is annoying. (From french.)
So, it's the end of our vacation and we've found a house and a school. YAY! But then comes homework. School tomorrow, and I spent forever on this work. I really really really really really really really REALLY hope I get a good grade. This writing is only some of the hard work put into this homework. It's about rebels, and who-out of three characters from the three books we've read in class-is the most successful rebel. The three books were: (in this order)
The Giver by Lois Lowry
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
and No Turning Back by Beverly Naidoo
Characters: (same order as book their from)
Ponyboy (Yes, Ponyboy. He has a brother named Sodapop.)
and Sipho (pronounced see-po)
I chose Jonas. I hope my teacher likes it...

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