tracks of life

By dpofarre


making my way towards jozi now for work next week. here's a quick snap from a balcony at the hotel here, as i managed to do little today after last night's festivities.

here in sandton for a few nights at least, which isn't really the greatest of areas. no bother though, i'll be quite busy in the coming days anyway.

it's a pity that such great places, jo'burg for instance, have come to this. as seen in the photo, there's a golf course directly across the street, and in between that and the hotel stands two tall fences, both with enough electricity running through them to put down an elephant. of course, it's not for elephants but those outside of the grounds.

i care not to get into discussion of why it is the way it is here (and loads of other places in the world for that matter), nor do i want to speculate what the solution might be - i'm just observing and wishing it weren't this way.

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