
By AprilJane

Betsy and Sergeant

Betsy with her favourite, Seargeant Monkey, in his new clothes which Betsy got for her birthday.

Took her and three friends to Pizza Express for lunch, then to see Star Wars Episode 1 at the cinema. Her friends, Thomas, Sam and Yusuf are all really lovely. Sweet, funny, friendly and hilarious. I felt so proud that she has such nice friends.

Sam came back for a while and they went out skateboarding, then piled on the sofa with me and Al and watched You've Been Framed and laughed like drains. Sam's Dad came to pick him up on his new Vespa. Very nice.

Tomorrow is Day 3 of Betys's Epic Birthday Celebrations. She's like Edie Sedgewick or something.

So nice that she still loves that Monkey so much, makes me feel shes still at least a little bit little!

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