I have a feeling that this might be an old whaling boat. Whaling stopped in Moreton Bay in the 60's so it might be an old relic from those days. Maybe someone on the blip knows.
This photo wasn't my first or even my second choice for a blip today. I stuffed the other photos up because I used my sunglasses to polarise them, forgetting that my sunnies are also prescription. All of the photos were out of focus.
So this is it.
We were doig a tour of the small islands in the bay with Dad. Jo hasn't been out there before and I wanted the show her Macleay Island so that we can plan a weekender for November. It was nice. We had lunch and wet for a walk.
Back to work tomorrow...
- 0
- 0
- Canon PowerShot A550
- f/10.0
- 14mm
- 80
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