Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Dee dee Boppers!

William found Carys's Comic Relief hairband this morning. He found it hysterical to put them on and them shake his head manically, making them clack together, until they fell over his eyes. At this point both he and Carys fell about laughing, until Carys pushed the hairband back up and it all started again. This went on for quite some time, lovely to watch and to hear their laughter.

It has been a lovely day. Carys woke with a shout at 06.20 but once reassured stayed in bed until 'Black sheep' woke at 06.45. She then turned on her light and started to get dressed. Will remained asleep until 07.20! Although he had some sort of night terror yesterday evening, he then only woke at 03.15 and 05.30, which is really good for him. When we were all up and dressed we had the best breakfast in weeks, they both ate loads and there was no winding each other up.

Walked into town, picked up a parcel from the Post Office and then went to the soft play. My cold has come back with avengence, so I was very happy that the kids went off together and played really well for the best part of a couple of hours. More jobs in town, both kids behaved very well in numerous shops. I know I am making it sound like they don't normally behave, they do, they are really very good kids, but shopping on a Saturday is hardly fun for a two and a four year old.

Walked home, so Mummy could grab some food then off swimming. One of Carys's friends from school was there with his siblings, so there was lots of playing and messing about and I realised just how good C is at swimming. Will was fab too, spending the best part of 45 minutes swimming around on his woggle.

Tea and bed went really smoothly. I missed the last 20mins of the rugby, but knew that Wales had prevailed as I didn't hear my phone receive any texts from my baby brother, who supports England. Well done boys, better late than never.

I am hoping for a quiet night. Travelling to the Midlands tomorrow for a Christening. It is tomorrow evening that could prove difficult, if they don't lift, asleep, from the car when we get home. Watch this space!

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