How it was Done

This is going to be a mighty quick one. Just back from Dublin and now on the way out to a small drinks party which my best mate is having in order to celebrate my getting a new job. Hence you will not be seeing much in the way of comments from me until sometime tomorrow.

So, back to yesterday. The shot was the result of using an old Twin Lens Reflex on the tripod. Point in direction of subject. No film required in camera. Using macro lens or close up attachment photograph what appears on the viewing screen of the TLR. Bingo. Instant grunge. Convert to black and white and then add red and yellow to produce sepia. The grungy marks are bits of fungus and other imperfections on the TLR screen. You should be able to pick up an old camera like this at a car boot sale for maybe £5. Just make sure that the screen is not etched with composition guides or suchlike. It should have a clear screen
See you all tomorrow.

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