Starting over

By debra

I'm quitting

$6.00 a pack, It's time to pack it in and not because the price is ridiculously high but because my health is important.

It's been a real shit day, infact I don't recall a time recently that I haven't had a shit day.

This is my journal right? so I can say whatever it is that's bothering me on this particular day. All was good when I woke this morning. I had plans to get out and enjoy this beautiful day, well that was until I got a knock at the door from some stranger with a piece of paper telling me that I am being sued for an accident that my daughter was in last year.

Apparently I am the defendent, even though I wasn't even in the vehicle when the accident occurred. I don't know how much I am being sued for although I do know that health care in America is unbelievably high, so I can only assume I'm fixin to lose my ass. I do have insurance however it looks like they are not willing to pay, otherwise I wouldn't have received the summons in the first place.

I'm not gonna panic though because there is no point in getting upset about it. This has to be another test for me. A son with no job and a baby on the way, A daughter who can't stay away from drugs, and now a law suit for something I wasn't even involved in.

What else life? bring it on!!!

So now you know, life isn't always flowers and butterflies.


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