Face of Beijing

Well, as far as I'm concerned she's a face of Beijing....

It was taken on the bus home from the hockey stadium. Was back there this evening for my 3rd match - this time Men's: New Zealand v China. An exciting game, which unfortunately for NZL, ended in a draw. I was cheering for China but actually wanted NZL to pip them to the post to guarantee them a place in the semis.... My allegiance to NZL increased when they warmed up sans t-shirts. They nearly got blipped!

Thanks for the comments last night following the 100m blip - it really was amazing to be there and I felt very very lucky to witness history in the making.... I would have made more of a meal of my blip, but was a bit worried about my Nana. I found out while I was at there last night that she's in hospital having suffered a stroke... Just have to wait and see...nothing I can do from here but have my fingers crossed that she comes out of it - she's a tough old cookie.
Get well Nana...xxx

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