Q. Is this.........

......... a garden or a rubbish tip?? A. both!!!

This is my next door neighbour's garden (on the side I'm actually in a different road) now wouldn't you think that the woman 2 doors along from this house who complains about my grape vine, fig tree etc would be better poised to complain about this mess?? If there are rats and/or mice around I think they are coming from the mess in here (probably why there is a constant stream of cats and foxes in this garden)rather than my fig tree being the problem. I can hear you thinking alert the council alas already done but because its a privately owned house I don't think that they are too bothered.

I'm exhausted having worked at W D Y T Y A today - god I only did a half day I can't imagine how tired some people must be although it has to be said I did catch a train 1 hour earlier than I normally do for work - so I have treated myself to a glass of plonk and in 10 mins hopefuly I'll be doing zzzzz.

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