Northern Wind

By JacobBarnhard

Today was calm, I woke up pretty late.
Then I just wasted the rest of the day doing homework and listening to music.
The rest of this weekend is going to be spent trying to catch up in school.
I'm not doing so hot.

Unrelated to any of that, tomorrow is going to be the day that I celebrate three wonderful, perfect months of being together with my magnificent girlfriend Rachel. She's the reason I walk around with a smile on my face and my head held high.
I can't even imagine having a better girlfriend other than her.

Going back to the subject on school though, I need to get my grades back up.

I'm better than the work I'm putting out, and I won't settle for less than A's and B's. Period.

So, this week I'm going to make that happen.

I have auditions for Children's Theater on Tuesday after school gets out.
I tried out last year and didn't make it. I was pretty bummed.
I don't want to have to feel that again this year.
Joining this group that performs for the kids has been on my list of things-to-do since I was one of those kids who saw Children's Theater perform for me.
Tuesday's my day to shine and possibly get accepted in so, wish me good luck.
Wish my girlfriend luck too, as she's trying out for that class also.


I've been looking around, comparing prices, researching, la-de-da, ect...
I'm staying with Canon, of course.
But, I'm stuck between a few cameras.

Canon EOS 50D
Canon EOS 40D
Canon EOS 7D

I looked on amazon for body prices and the reason why the 7D is on this list is because for a brand new 40D amazon was telling me around $1,800 and that's a lot of money. The 7D is a better camera and it's cheaper. I also have people telling me go big or go home so I really want that 7D. But I'm still not sure. If anybody wants to give me your opinions I'd love to hear them. Thanks guys.

Oh, and, if you guys are wondering if this is the final picture to "The Good Life", nope. Not yet. I'll probably title it "The End" or something un-creative. Haha

I'm really excited for Kid Cudi's new album coming out Tuesday too. WZRD

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