Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Crosscut Action

Went to the logging conference today. Hubby was wanting to look at new utility vehicles but there weren't very many there. Weather was very Spring like for about 10 minutes. Rain, hail, snow, wind, sun. Repeat. Among the various equipment displays and booths selling everything from cable to tires, they conducted logging events for local schools to compete in. My great nephew Brandon, is the one in the cowboy hat under the arm of the kid in black. He's the 'Jack' in the Jack and Jill crosscut competition. A friend of his from school is the 'Jill', I'm bad and neglected to get her name. She was the only one that showed up today from her school as the others in the class had sports obligations and couldn't come. B asked the people in charge if he could be her partner otherwise she wouldn't be able to compete. He had done this for a few years so knew how, but hadn't practiced. Because of this they didn't do very well. He was a good sport and friend to help her out. The kid in the black is oiling the saw for them so it doesn't stick. Bottle of oil is obscured by 'Jill'. This is a timed event. In the old days before power saws these saws are the ones loggers used to fell and buck trees into logs. Harder work then than it is now.

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