Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Over The Wall...

... but not over the limit ;-)

As detailed in yesterday's blip I was at my uncles 50th birthday party last night.

It was held at Anstruther Golf Club and was a top evening!
When we emerged at 12.15am it was a beautiful still evening and I couldn't resist at least trying to get a photo of the harbour lights.

Contrary to my wee brother's best efforts to get me rip roaring drunk having eaten loads from the super buffet+cake+ copious amounts of water in between the vodka I took this shot hand held and it seems to have come out ok.

We very briefly considered dropping mum and dad home and going back with the tripods but saw sense decided we'll try another time when the Golf Club car park is less likely to be full of merry partygoers.

You might want to look LARGE :-)

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