The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Let's fly away

I wish.

I would love to escape the rubbish weather (it seems my part of Glasgow hasn't been blessed with glorious blue skies like the rest of the UK today).

Today has been mildly uneventful. Drank too many G&T's last night and my bed-sharing friend snores ALOT (she literally sounds like a wounded boar) so didn't get a great night sleep. Plus I kept dreaming/thinking about drug doses and pills all night (I'm not a junkie I'm a pharmacy student!) which was weird.

Had an hour rantcall phonecall with my sister this afternoon which was very therapeutic, tidied my room, made some playlists and generally procrastinated alot. My essay which is due tomorrow keeps pleading with me for some attention but he may have to wait a bit longer.

Sundays are a great day for doing not a lot ;)

I changed my display name from paranoidandroid to littleliongirl, my nickname is Mufasa due to my wild hair. Plus I'm not feeling like a paranoid android just now, although it is an awesome song.

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