Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Rodent Shroving!

I had to rest today. After the busyness of recent days, the stress of sorting the finance for the new car, and a couple of really bad nights, I really didn't feel up to doing much, and needed to recuperate. I also felt very slightly fluey.

However, after spending most of the day asleep, it was lovely to have the traditional pancakes for supper! The Wonderspouse made us savoury ones, with burnt mince, cheese, and Reggae Reggae ketchup for first course, and then sweet ones with sugar and lemon for afters!

He also made 10 small pancakes (arranged on a small plate) for the ratties. They LOVED them, all queuing up to collect theirs, then taking them off to nibble in various corners!

Happy Rattie Pancake Day! :-)

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