As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


Very few pics got taken today - I had planned to try some more self portraits but had no bright ideas so as it was a lovely sunny day I decided to blitz the garden.

It's amazing how quickly time goes by when you're chopping back ivy, sorting pots, planting bulbs, cutting back dead stuff and sweeping up the resultant debris. My brown bin is now almost full again and the garden is ready to be tackled again in about a month. Then I plan to plant up my new border with lots of flowery goodness......

I did however stop for a while and decided to take a few pics of these Snowdrops that I'd picked yesterday. I prefer not to pick them but I've plenty of good sized clumps in the garden so a few can be sacrificed. I have a few bits of woody stuff knocking about for photos and stuffed the poor things in a handy hole in the wood.

So maybe it's time to wind down - I've been good and busy all day so now it's coffee time and I shall think about what to do next or not.....

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