Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Seagull on an owls head

Well Ratty has been back - a different one to last time. We saw him in the squirrel proof bird feeder munching his way through the nuts. He had to squeeze through the bars to get out so fully and fat with peanuts. Oh for a gun or an outdoor cat! The fabulous humane trap is re loaded and ready to catch him. Here's hoping!

What a fantastically busy day. Spent the morning digging on the allotment and we both got loads done. This afternoon we took slow chops Tallulah for her walk. Had to laugh when I saw the seagull perched on top of this owl. The owl is tied to the end of one of the house boats. Saw loads of cormorants in the tree - 7 in total, it certainly feels like spring is around the corner.

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