Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Sunday chores

Productive day.

Up early, decided holly got away with it lightly yesterday so today was the day. Schooling!!! The boys were distracted with hay in the barn so holly was taken to the far corner of the field for circles, serpentines, walk, trot, more circles bending in, bending out. Ouchy muscles on the cards over the next few days.

I am seriously unfit, so is Hols, therefore we both have to work twice as hard.

Back home to little monkey and daddy who were catching up on last nights ufc. No, my son is not going to be a cage fighter!!!

So, here's the shocker... I cleaned my car!!!! (anyone who knows me, or has seen my car knows what a big deal this is) My poor Dyson was subjected to torture and nearly blew up from being congested with hay and mud. Horsey people have awful cars. LittleMonkey helped with the window cleaning.

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