Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Not What I Was Looking For

Loren has lost something he treasures....his iPod Touch that he saved up a year for a few years ago. He's been better at keeping it on the charger when not using it after the last time the couch 'ate it' for a few weeks. I've searched high and low for it while the boys were in school. Even took the opportunity to move my entire sectional by myself and clean under it in hopes of finding it. Was really disappointed not to find it today. Instead I found tinker toys, dust bunnies, balls of pet fur, small plastic animals, cat toys, super bouncy balls, nerf darts, empty capri suns, pencils, wooden blocks, K'nex, Magnetix, pieces to their Cranium super fort, candy wrappers they were trying hide and Scout's tennis balls. The pup's eyes grew larger in happiness that I found HIS toys, but I wasn't the happy one. :-( Money is not easy to come by, so losing something of such monetary value is a real bummer.

On the bright side: I decided this pic should be my blip to show the various toys and hobbies of the boys. I opted to throw away the trash, dust bunnies and pet fur before taking this photo. You're welcome. :)

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