Snow Day!

...and even better, completely unexpected.

In an effort to keep the kids at a minimum activity level while Mr C recovers, M and I decided we'd all go for a scenic family drive today. Something we used to do quite often when it was just the two of us...pack some snacks, the camera, and head out. Today we only went about 20 miles North of our house and ended up finding everything covered in snow.

It was quite beautiful and completely rejuvenating. The kids were sooooo excited. And trust me, it doesn't take much snow to excited them, so the 1 1/2 feet of snow was just enough for them to throw snowballs, but also still be able to walk easily.

Here the kids are ganging up on Dad.

A great family weekend....

Funny...for as few days of snow that we get here, my one year ago minus a day was quite similar.

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